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  • I didn't receive an order or shipping confirmation?
    It's posible the confirmation email has gone to your junk folder or maybe we have an incorrect email address for you! Please contact us straight away at with the Full Name the order was placed under.
  • Can I change my billing address?
    Unfortunately, we are unable to edit the billing address once an order has been placed. If you received the thanks for your order confirmation page that means you were able to successfully place your order. As long as your shipping address is correct, you will be able to receive your order!
  • What should I do if I receive an incorrect or faulty item?
    We're sorry to hear you have received an incorrect or faulty item! Please send an email to with your order number and photos of the item so we can resolve this as soon as possible.
  • Can I change my order address?
    Unfortunately, once you've placed your order it is not possible to amend any details. This includes changing the delivery option, delivery address or payment methods as we will have already started processing your order.


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